Wim Hof Method Advanced Workshops

If you already have some experience with the Wim Hof Method but would like to dive a little deeper with the help of some professional guidance, an Advanced Workshop may be just what you’re looking for. We will dig even deeper with the tools to discover how to take on life even more powerfully.

A day of exploring the power within using the Wim Hof Method

Now that you have some experience with the breath and cold, you may have been wondering what's next to level-up even further in life using these tools.

Maybe you want to reconnect to a group structure that will guide you deeper.

In this Advanced Workshop with Certified Level 2 Wim Hof Method instructor James Tranter, we once again immerse into the 3 pillars of Breath, Cold and Mindset to really find out how we respond to challenges and grow into them head on. We use these experiences of growth on the day and map them onto the dreams we want to achieve in life.


Who's it for?

Those who really want to come alive!

You already have a solid understanding of the WHM scientific physiology stuff and wanna go deeper into the self-exploratory side. To break some boundaries and see what you're made of. This could be seen as self-development and spiritual, rather than informational.

You've done a Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Workshop and are curious to see what else is possible with these tools.

You've been successfully doing icebaths and WHM breath practices and want a place to explore a new level with the help of some professional guidance.

You might have reached a plateau and want to find out what else there is to explore.


What you'll experience in an Advanced workshop with Jimmy

  • We will exceed a healthy dose of going out of the comfort zone to gain insights about ourselves

  • A guided out-of-this-world WHM Power Breathing experience

  • Training the hands in the cold (most people's trouble spot)

  • Looking at how the body and mind influence each other and can be bought together to aim for more in life

  • A next-level ice exposure experience, done together as a group

  • How to use the breath to clear energy and set intentions

  • The difference between a fixed and a growth mindset

  • The ‘brown fat’ warming exercise

  • A place to ask questions and get support on your journey so far

  • A deepening of your understanding of what is possible with using the Wim Hof Method; that you are capable of more than you think

What others say.

  • Everything first class. Jimmy is a fabulous instructor, oozes warmth and great energy. The whole experience was absolutely wonderful, slept fantastic last night and energised to have an ocean swim this morning.


  • James shared all of himself which allowed us to do the same. There was a beautiful energy in the room all day even though we were strangers and I put that down to the way James ran the day. Thank you.


  • James (Jimmy) is a great instructor of the WHM. He provided a detailed overview of the day, what to expect and most importantly he encouraged the group to really think about what we individually wanted to achieve and get out of the day - by setting intention and using that as a main motivator. The vibe of the workshop was very laidback and casual, which suits me; the location was also great. I’d highly recommend taking a workshop with James if you live in and around Sydney and want to learn more about the WHM


No workshops happening?

Advanced workshops happen less often than Fundamentals. If there is none available currently, contact Jimmy to express interest or to organise a private session for a group.

For those who would like a more immersive experience out in nature, check the wonderfully rejuvenating weekend retreats.